
For non-urgent issues, please follow the guidelines below and choose the right service. An appointment may not be necessary.

Pharmacy and Self Care

See a Pharmacist

Many conditions can be treated without the need to see your GP.


Help and support available from many National and Local Organisations

Visit our Self Help Zone

Book an Appointment

Urgent appointments for today or tomorrow

If you feel that your problem is urgent, you should tell the receptionist and every effort will be made for you to be seen the same day.

If the doctor needs to see you in person or you would prefer a face-to-face appointment, we will invite you to come in.

Ways to book

1. Telephone on the day at 8am: 01843 266322

Extended Access

We also have extended access available. See our Out of Hours information.

Book a Routine Appointment

Ways to book

1. Request an appointment online

2. Telephone: 01843 266322

Blood Tests and Blood Pressure Readings

3. Book through our online services

Sickness Certificates (Fit Notes)

You must give your employer a doctor's 'fit note' (sometimes called a 'sick note') if you've been ill for more than 7 days in a row and have taken sick leave. This includes non-working days, such as weekends and bank holidays.

Visit our Sickness Certificates page

Travel Vaccinations

Information and advice for travelling abroad.

Visit our Travel Information page

Home Visits

Please be aware that our GPs will always call to assess the home visit request first.

Please telephone 01843 266322 for all home visits before 11:30am.

We ask most patients to come to the surgery because facilities are better and doctor’s time spent travelling means less time with other patients. However, if you or someone you care for is too ill to leave home, you will be visited.

Whilst the doctors and community nurses will willingly visit patients who are housebound, they would appreciate other patients making every effort to come to the surgery. For patients that are mobile we expect them to make their own transport arrangements. Please remember that when visiting people at home, the doctors do not have the facilities and equipment which the surgery provides. Also, it takes much longer to see a patient at home – the doctors can see several people at the surgery in the time it takes to drive to a patient’s home.

To help doctors to manage their time efficiently, we ask patients to:

  • Call our Care Navigators for a home visit before 11.30am.
  • In order to help the doctor to assess the urgency of your request, please give as much information as you can about your problem.
  • Only request a home visit if the patient is too ill to get out of bed.

The GP will decide whether a home visit is required.  They may, in certain circumstances, ask you to come to the surgery.

You can also be visited at home by a community nurse if you are referred by your GP. You might also be visited at home by a health visitor if you have recently had a baby or if you are newly registered with a GP and have a child under five years.

Change or Cancel an Appointment

If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason please inform us as soon as possible in order for us to give the slot to someone else.

Ways to cancel

1. Telephone us on 01843 266322.

2. Cancel an appointment online

3. Cancel using our online services

4. Cancel through the NHS App

Out of Hours

Enhanced Access

Weekend Appointments

Available via booking online or calling our Care Navigators on 01843 266322. These clinics are not held at Dashwood Medical Centre. If given one of these appointments, we will tell you where to attend.

Please note that these appointments are not cancellable.

Life Threatening

Call 999 or go to A&E now if:

  • you or someone you know needs immediate help
  • you have seriously harmed yourself – for example, by taking a drug overdose

A mental health emergency should be taken as seriously as a medical emergency.

Find your nearest A&E

Urgent But Not Life Threatening

Visit an urgent care centre if:

  • You have an urgent medical issue requiring on the day attention

Find Urgent Care Services


Use NHS 111 if:

  • You need help now, but it’s not an emergency

There will be someone to provide you with advice and to direct you to a clinician if it is necessary.

Visit NHS 111 Online

Dashwood Medical Centre
158-160 Grange Road
CT11 9PR

Telephone: 01843 266322

Veteran Friendly Armed Forces veteran
friendly accredited
GP practice