Temporary Registration Form

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All questions marked with a * are mandatory


Temporary Patient Registration 

If you are currently staying within our practice boundary and need urgent medical care

  • Please contact your registered GP in the first instance to see whether they can continue to support you remotely e.g. by sending a prescription for your medication to one of our local pharmacies.
  • In most other cases, calling 111 is a better option.
  • If you need to see a doctor, you can register at the practice as a temporary resident by completing this form. 

Find out more about the process by visiting the NHS Website

Patient Details
Title: *

Help Us To Help You 

Providing a NHS Number means that we can find a patient record more accurately, saving time and resources. 

How to find your NHS Number 

Do you have a temporary address?: *
Your Usual Doctors Details

All details of treatment will be sent to this doctor and address.


Privacy Consent


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Dashwood Medical Centre
158-160 Grange Road
CT11 9PR

Telephone: 01843 266322

Veteran Friendly Armed Forces veteran
friendly accredited
GP practice